Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The Rest of The Story on Obama

The NYTimes says Clinton is gritty and ruthless.

Obama is no different. The press has done a terrible job of digging beyond Obama's rhetoric and pointing to his dirty political tactics and his diminutive integrity.

Here is an excerpt:

'This kind of language and pugilistic imagery, however, also evokes the baggage that makes Mrs. Clinton such a provocative political figure. For as much as a willingness to “do what it takes” and “die hard” are marketable commodities in politics, they can also yield to less flattering qualities, plenty of which have been ascribed to her over the years. Just as supporters praise her “toughness” and “tenacity,” critics also describe her as “divisive,” “a dirty fighter” or “willing to do anything to win.”

The critics include supporters of Mr. Obama who subscribe to the notion, pushed by their candidate, that Mrs. Clinton, his opponent in the race for the Democratic nomination, represents the fractious politics of the past.

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