Sunday, May 04, 2008

No Testicular Fortitude for Obama

Seems like Hillary has it!


'While defending Bill Clinton’s role in the passage of NAFTA, Paul Gipson, president of a steelworkers local, said that union members need to look forward, and support a leader who can work to amend and improve provisions in the trade agreement.

“I truly believe that that’s going to take an individual that has testicular fortitude,” he said. “That’s exactly right. That’s what we gotta have.”

Clinton, standing behind Gipson, smiled sheepishly before breaking into a nervous laugh. Gipson continued by slamming unnamed “Gucci-wearing, latte-drinking, self-centered, egotistical people that have damaged our lifestyle,” before endorsing and introducing Clinton.

The New York senator, after some introductory remarks, then had some fun with Gipson’s remarks. “I must say, Paul, I appreciate that endorsement. It means a lot to me,” she said. “I do think I have fortitude. Women can have it as well as men.”

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