One of the Black Value System pledges is
'Pledge Allegiance to All Black Leadership Who Espouse and Embrace the Black Value System'
As a member of the church, BHO must have believed in the following 10 facts (listed below), especially after being a member for over 20 years. Does in include the interpretation of the Rev Wright's values (Obama called him his spiritual advisor)?
Fact number one: we’ve got more black men in prison than there are in college.
Racism is alive and well. Racism is the American way.
Racism is how this country was founded, and how this country is still run.
No black man can ever be President. I don’t care how hard you run Jesse.
No black woman will ever be considered for anything outside of what she can give with her body.
Fact number three: America is still the number one killer in the world.
We invaded Grenada for no other reason than to get Maurice Bishop. We destroyed Panama because Noriega would no longer dance to our tune anymore.
We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns and the training professional killers.
We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children, while trying to turn public opinion against Castro and Qaddafi.
Fact number four: we put Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there.
We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority. And believe it more than we believe in God.
Fact number five: we supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians, and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic.
Fact number six: we conducted radiation experiments on our own people. You’re just finding out about that. We care nothing about human life, if the end justifies the means.
Fact number seven: we do not care if poor black and brown children cannot read and kill each other senselessly. We abandoned the cities back in the sixties when the riots started, and it really doesn’t matter what those nnn… [niggers] "natives" do to each other.
We gave up on them and public education for poor people who live in the projects. We with VCRs, DVDs, CDs and portable phones have more homeless than any nation in the world.
Fact number eight: we started the AIDS virus, and now that it is out of control we still put more money in the military than in medicine. More money in hate than humanitarian concerns.
Everybody does not have access to health care. I don’t care what the rich white boys in the Senate say.
[Garbled] listen up. If you are poor black and elderly — forget it.
Fact number nine: we only able to maintain our level of living by making sure the Third World people live in grinding poverty.
Fact number ten: we are selfish, self-centered ego egotists, who are arrogant and ignorant.
We pray at church and do not try to make the kingdom that Jesus talked about a reality.
And, and, and… in light of these in fact God has got to be sick of this shit!
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