'The poll found that Americans blame government officials for the crisis more than banks or home buyers and other borrowers. Forty percent of respondents said regulators were mostly to blame, while 28 percent named lenders and 14 percent named borrowers.'
Blame the banks! Don't take any responsibility! Blame the regulators! Blame everybody else!
Oh yea, while the economy is slowing, raise taxes on earned income! If you earn money based on your endowments and effort then you should be taxed. If you happen to make a lot of money, MOST people save more of their money (as they make more). These savings are invested back into the economy in the form of equity for new businesses and loans!
The democratic candidates are pandering to this sentiment!! Shame on them. Yes We Can!
'Fifty-eight percent of respondents said they would support raising taxes on households making more than $250,000 to pay for tax cuts or government programs for people making less than that amount. Only 38 percent called it a bad idea. Both Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential candidates, have made proposals along these lines.
More broadly, 43 percent of those surveyed said they would prefer a larger government that provided more services, which is tied for the highest such number since The Times and CBS News began asking the question in 1991. But an identical 43 percent said they wanted a smaller government that provided fewer services.
And although both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama have blamed trade with other countries for some of the economy’s problems, Americans say they continue to favor trade — if not quite as strongly as in the past. Fifty-eight percent called it good for the economy; 32 percent called it bad, up from 17 percent in 1996.'
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