It is time for Obama to show that he really meant that he was a different type of politician by letting go of Emmauel and Axelrod.
These two (and probably Obama) have close ties to the corrupt practices of Blagojevich.
From WSJ:
'The matter also highlights ties between the disgraced Democratic governor and some members of Mr. Obama's inner circle. His top campaign strategist, David Axelrod -- who will move to the White House for a senior adviser's job -- lists Mr. Blagojevich on his firm's Web site as one of his clients, when the politician was a candidate for Congress.
he Republican National Committee, however, circulated some of Mr. Obama's statements to the press on Tuesday, including a 2006 report indicating Mr. Obama said he would be happy to work for Mr. Blagojevich's 2006 re-election campaign, even though the Illinois governor was under investigation. "If the governor asks me to work on his behalf, I'll be happy to do it," a suburban Chicago newspaper quoted Mr. Obama as saying.
How can we be sure that Axelrod and Emmanuel won't bring their dirty ties to the White House and sully the new administration?
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