Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Does Obama have any bite to his bark?

Obama is supposedly coming out swinging.

From the NYTimes:

'Mr. Obama seems likely to take a tougher stance toward Mrs. Clinton, if only because he saw how well such tactics worked against him. When the Clinton campaign attacked on multiple fronts last week, he sometimes sounded defensive, occasionally talking at his audiences rather than with them.

“There’s no magic bullet that hurt him; it was a series of bullets,” said Hank Sheinkopf, a Democratic consultant. “She reduced his charisma and forced voters back to reality.”

For now, Mr. Obama and his advisers are huddled in Chicago, plotting strategy.

Asked on the plane whether he and Mrs. Clinton might make a good ticket, he smiled. “It’s very premature,” he said, “to start talking about a joint ticket.” '

I don't think he does. The Clinton campaign has a monopoly on playing dirty to win. Obama the every so genteel professor may not stoop that his detriment.

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