Thursday, November 18, 2010

Focus on Pro Growth Policies

[Democrats and Republicans must meet in the middle to implement policies to deal with debt overhangs and structural rigidities. The economy needs political courage that transcends expediency in favor of long-term solutions on issues including housing reform, medium-term budget rules, pro-growth tax reforms, investments in physical and technological infrastructure, job retraining, greater support for education and scientific research, and better nets to protect the most vulnerable segments of society.]

If most of the jobs are not coming back, we need massive retraining leveraging the community college system and open learning systems, especially online delivery methods.

We need to raise the bar on math and science education starting from pre-K. Students should be spending 4hrs a day on math at least through 8 grade. Federal gov should mandate this, similar to the no child left behind mandate. Most school districts can implement this by asking teachers to use existing online curriculum, cutting back on areas such as social studies, increasing school time, supplementing face time with computer time, asking for the community for additional volunteers for k-5.

Within 10 yrs we can lay a decent foundation for the next generation.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

U.S. Math Performance

Interesting report on Math performance by State!

Illinois, where I live is smack dab in the middle at 25!!!!

Our k-12 educational system focus on math from pre-k till at least 8th grade. They should be spending 4 hours a day on math, applied math and problem solving.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Proficiency of Black Students

This should be a no brainer for anyone who has had kids. Children begin the learning process in infancy and the groundwork for higher learning needs to be in place by 3 yrs.

[“There’s accumulating evidence that there are racial differences in what kids experience before the first day of kindergarten,” said Ronald Ferguson, director of the Achievement Gap Initiative at Harvard. “They have to do with a lot of sociological and historical forces. In order to address those, we have to be able to have conversations that people are unwilling to have.”]

The sad fact is that Liberals want to throw more money at grade school and high school to improve the lot of black children. They need to shift the scarce resources to early childhood and address the root of the problem; kids having kids.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Wonder if this research can explain the recent GOP rout of the Democrats in teh mid term elections.

[Logically, an unethical behavior performed yesterday should also be unethical if performed tomorrow. However, the present studies suggest that the timing of a transgression has a systematic effect on people’s beliefs about its moral acceptability. Because people’s emotional reactions tend to be more extreme for future events than for past events, and because such emotional reactions often guide moral intuitions, judgments of moral behavior may be more extreme in prospect than in retrospect.]

Monday, November 08, 2010

A Myth About George W Bush

The racism charge against Bush was vicious. Too bad most of those folks making that charge did not read up on his record. Here is an excerpt from a WaPo piece.

[While growing up in Texas and later serving as governor, Bush constantly befriended and worked with members of his state's Hispanic community and fought for the rights of immigrants. "Once children are in Texas," he said in 1995, "Texans know it is in our best interest and their interest to educate them, regardless of the nationality of their parents." In his gubernatorial reelection victory in 1998, Bush won 49 percent of the Hispanic vote and 27 percent of the black vote - a strong showing for a Republican in Texas. (It is unsurprising that, in his memoir, Bush reportedly describes the accusations of racism he experienced in the aftermath of Katrina as "the worst moment of my presidency.")]

Sunday, November 07, 2010

The China Boom

Wow, eye popping statistics about students from China.

[While China’s students have long filled American graduate schools, its undergraduates now represent the fastest-growing group of international students. In 2008-9, more than 26,000 were studying in the United States, up from about 8,000 eight years earlier, according to the Institute of International Education.

The boom parallels China’s emergence as the world’s largest economy after the United States. China is home to a growing number of middle-class parents who have saved for years to get their only child into a top school, hoping for an advantage in a competitive job market made more so by a surge in college graduates. Since the 1990s, China has doubled its number of higher education institutions. More than 60 percent of high school graduates now attend a university, up from 20 percent in the 1980s. But this surge has left millions of diploma-wielding young people unable to find white-collar work in a country still heavily reliant on low-paying manufacturing.]