Sunday, March 02, 2008

Goolsbee gets into trouble

Prof Austan Goolsbee, an econ professor at the of UofC seems to be in hot water per the Associated Press:

'Goolsbee disputed a section that read: "Noting anxiety among many U.S. domestic audiences about the U.S. economic outlook, Goolsbee candidly acknowledged the protectionist sentiment that has emerged, particularly in the Midwest, during the primary campaign. He cautioned that this messaging should not be taken out of context and should be viewed as more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans."

"This thing about `it's more about political positioning than a clear articulation of policy plans,' that's this guy's language," Goolsbee said of DeMora. "He's not quoting me.

"I certainly did not use that phrase in any way," Goolsbee said.'

I'm sure his stature as a free trader is probably in question now and when he decided to advise Barak Obama and notably his vocal absence of the NAFTA bashing that is going on.

'Burton, who was on the call while Goolsbee described his visit to the AP, said, "It all boils down to a clumsy, inaccurate portrayal of the conversation."'

Shame on you Austan! You should have the same integrity in your advisory role as your role in academia.

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